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    Zeolite runner exhaust gas treatment

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    Zeolite runner exhaust gas treatment
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    2024-04-19 13:59:19
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Zeolite runner exhaust gas treatment

Zeolite runner can be divided into three parts: adsorption zone, desorption zone and cooling regeneration zone. The position of the three partitions is fixed, and the runner rotates at a certain speed (1 to 6 r/h).

1. After the VOCs is filtered by the pre-filter, it enters the adsorption zone of the runner device, where the VOCs is adsorbed on the zeolite, and the purified gas is directly discharged into the atmosphere.

2, when the runner rotates to the desorption zone, the VOCs adsorbed in the runner are desorbed by high temperature hot air, and the gas concentration after desorption can reach ten times the concentration of the intake air in the adsorption zone.

3. After the runner rotates to the cooling regeneration area, it is cooled by a relatively low temperature gas to ensure the effect of subsequent re-adsorption and the cycle of the next cycle.

Compared with the zeolite material of the disc runner, the zeolite of the cylinder runner has a smaller specific heat capacity, unlike the ceramic honeycomb substrate which absorbs a lot of heat during desorption. Therefore, the runner has no cooling zone, which saves the conveying of cooling air, the configuration of pipeline valves, the point of electrical operation and energy consumption.

Advantages of zeolite runner

1, high security

Zeolite is a high temperature resistant, non-combustible inorganic crystal, in contact with organic matter, neither chemical reaction with it, will not show catalytic performance, effectively avoiding the activated carbon adsorption there is easy to burn safety hazards.

2, strong adsorption

In the case of high relative humidity, zeolite adsorbed less water than activated carbon. Activated carbon will lose its adsorption function when the relative humidity reaches 50%, while zeolite can maintain a high adsorption capacity when the relative humidity does not exceed 75%.

3, high stability

The desorption temperature is high and the desorption is complete. The desorption outlet concentration is continuous and stable, and the subsequent treatment facilities are easy to control.

4, low operating costs

The power consumption to drive the runner is low; The heat released by the oxidative decomposition of VOCs can be used for desorption, and the heat energy consumption is low. Programmed operation, simple and convenient.

Performance parameters of zeolite runner

1, zeolite content

The zeolite plays the adsorption role in the runner, and the higher the content rate of zeolite, the more VOCs adsorbed and the longer the saturation period

2, adsorption bed thickness

In the case of other factors, the adsorption band length (h) of a zeolite runner for a specific VOCs is certain, under this condition, the appropriate increase in bed thickness (H) is conducive to improving the use efficiency of zeolite (η).

Utilization rate of zeolite runner

Bed Thickness H(mm)400500600
Utilization rate η70%76%80%

3, purification efficiency

The adsorption and removal efficiency of zeolite is different in the face of organic matter with different molecular weight and different boiling point.

Substance nameGrade
Air volumePrimary gas concentrationTreatment gas concentrationConcentration ratioRemoval rate
Toluene, xylene, etc11008333596
PGME, PGMEA, etc165015012299
Ethyl acetate, etc1400181318399

4. Concentration ratio

The runner obtains low flow concentration gas by adsorption and desorption. The concentration ratio is an important index of the runner's performance

Intake concentration mg/m³Below 100100-200200-300300-600600-2000
Concentration ratio40 times30-40 times20-30 times10-20 times5-10 times

5. Head-on wind speed

The higher the head-on wind speed, the shorter the gas residence time and the lower the adsorption efficiency. The greater the wind resistance. Usually, the linear velocity of the gas is 2 ~ 4m/s.

6. Speed

The size of the speed means the length of the adsorption and desorption time, which determines the removal efficiency of the runner. Usually, the speed is 1 to 6r/h.

7. Desorption temperature

Zeolite is resistant to high temperature, does not burn, has good thermal stability, desorption temperature in 180 ~ 220℃, desorption is more complete, VOCs concentration rate is high.

8. Seal

The runner peripheral seal is a compound flat belt seal with silicone and Teflon coating. The seal between the adsorption zone, desorption zone and cooling zone is a hollow P-type VITON seal.

Typical application of zeolite runner

Zeolite runner exhaust gas treatment

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